James Eldridge Photography

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Recreating retro 3D anaglyph images

I remember back in the 90's, (which feels like a long time ago now) that nearly every breakfast cereal box, kids magazine etc, had a dodgy red and green 3D image on it, along with the cheap and nasty cardboard glasses you had to use along with them. Some used to be just simple images that showed a little bit of depth to the picture, others were in the form of puzzles and you had to use the 3D glasses to find clues. Whatever you were using them for, you still looked like a bit of an idiot wearing them. 

ow with the advancement of modern technology 3D images and film are something to marvel at. Going to the cinema or watching film at home has become something truly remarkable and really puts you in the heart of the action. 

After seeing a pair of old school 3D glasses in a Blu-ray the other day, I thought to myself how cool would it be to try and see if i could recreate the effect myself with some of my photos.

After experimenting for about 30 mins I finally figured it out, and using photoshop, turned out to be extremly easy. 

Below are a few images I have was messing around with, recreating the old school retro 3D anaglyph look. 

Check out the video, to see for yourself how easy it was to do. 


Check out the video to see how to do this yourself.