James Eldridge Photography

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A hero lost.

To break from my traditional posts about photography related stuff, I wanted to share my thoughts of something that truly rocked me. If you haven't heard by now, the legendary actor and comedian Robin Williams died last night, 11th August. Of what is widely been reported as suicide. 

Now I don't tend to voice any emotions or post sympathetic things on my site or social media pages regarding celebrity deaths on the whole. Not because I'm cold hearted or anything like that. I just don't think I need to jump on the band wagon of someones death. My thoughts and prays always go to the remaining families and friends left behind in such tragic circumstances, but I keep my thoughts to myself.  

I changed that last night, after hearing the tragic news of Robin Williams passing. Mainly because this man was one of my heroes in life. 

This man was a pure comic genius, and one of the best actors of my generation. I grew up watching his films, and tv shows and stand up routines. I still remember stumbling across Mork and Mindy on early morning tv, many years after it 1st aired. The one thing that grabbed my attention before anything else whilst first watching that show, was I had never seen someone with as much hair on their arms as the man I was watching on the tv. I mean he had super hairy arms. For some reason i found it fascinating! 

He stared in some of the most iconic films to date and brought something to every performance that only he could manage. His comedic timing transcended right through, no matter if you were 5 years old or 95. 

Childhood films like Hook, Flubber, Mrs Doubtfire, Jack, Aladdin, Toys, were all films I loved and watched repeatedly. Even to this day I watch those. As I grew older I found his more serious work in the form of such greats as Good morning Vietnam, Awakenings, Patch Adams, Good Will Hunting, Dead poets society. Its was seeing these films that made me realise just how versatile this man was. He drew me in with every one of his performances. He could make you laugh and then cry with just a look or one word. He was the real deal. 

I classed Robin Williams as a hero of mine, long before the sad news of his passing. It just took the tragic news of it, to really hit home how much I'm actually going to miss him. Granted I never met the man, but knowing he is no longer going to be around to make the world laugh or  give another great performance saddens me. 

It also pains me to think that he could give so much laughter and happiness to world, yet below the surface he was struggling with such demons. Why this should happen in this world, is beyond me. I know that he is now at peace and the struggle is over for him. My prays go out to him and his family. There will never be another quite like him. 

Mr Williams, wherever you are, I wish you peace. Thank you for the endless hours of laughter you have provided me and many others all around this world with. I will never forget you. Rest in peace.

Gooooooooooood night Vietnam!