James Eldridge Photography

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Brighton Pier

Yesterday I had plans for a modelling shoot, but at the last minute I was informed the model couldn't make it, so I decided to use the free time to go do something a bit different. 

I had planned to go back to Brighton at some point several months ago, but due to my ever increasing work flow it hasn't be very easy to find the time.

I love getting away from everything and just going out with the camera to see what I can find to photograph. Brighton didn't fail to disappoint me. Such an iconic town with a very cultured and varied population. The most iconic place in Brighton is the pier. A great hive of activity, with arcades, rides and stalls. I remember so many child hood memories walking along the broad walks of the pier it was unreal. 

I wanted to capture my own souvenir in the form of a beautiful sunset shot of the pier. Thankfully I wasn't let down. I was blessed with a subtle yet very beautiful sunset to capture my image. 

Thank you Brighton, I shall be back soon.