Dannii - Aka - Cheri Bomb
Seeing as today is my birthday I thought I would give you all a present in the form of the lovely Dannii here. One of the most stunning and lovely models I have had the pleasure of working with.
I remember the first shoot we had way back in 2012 and what an experience that was. Dannii opened my eyes and taught me a lot of things to do with modelling and posing, that I still use and remember to this day. She certainly knows her stuff and makes a photographers life so much easier by just knowing what makes a good photograph.
Of all the shoots I have done, Dannii's shots are still some of my personal favourites. Yesterday she came into the studio, after taking a little break away from the camera, and we played around with a few different styles and concepts. All of which looked amazing. We had a very enjoyable day and had a good old natter about anything and everything.
Enjoy this simple yet very lovely portrait shot for the time being and keep an eye out for the other images from this set, which will follow in a few days.