What's up everybody hope you're well, sorry for the lack of updates of late been very very busy. Wanted to share you a quick set of pictures here from a recent shoot that I did with the lovely Sister of Sinister - (Kristina). We wanted to push the boundaries a little and went about capturing a simple set of images that showed a side of her femininity and her embracing her body.
Despite what some people might think this wasn't a porno shoot or anything dirty. This was all about a celebration of the human form, and what a magnificent canvas it is. In my view the body comes in many shapes and sizes and provides us daily with a plethora of emotions and feelings from pain right through to pleasure. Why not embrace it and show it off. Be proud of what you got ( and what yo' momma gave ya) and don't give a fuck what anybody else thinks about it. Love the skin you are in and use it, play with it, embrace it any way you want to.